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East Campus

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Iglesia de Cristo

基督教会 (Chinese)


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Mientras todavía éramos pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros.

Domingo de Pascua, 20 de abril

☀️ ¡Celebra el Domingo de Pascua en North Boulevard! ✝️

Te invitamos a celebrar la esperanza y la resurrección de Jesús con nuestra comunidad. Será un día especial lleno de alegría, amistad y adoración. ¡Trae a tu familia y acompáñanos!

¿Lo que está sucediendo?
🎉 9:30 AM – Actividades para niños
🥚 10:00 AM – Búsqueda de huevos de Pascua
🙌 10:30 AM – Servicio de adoración

Ven a disfrutar de un ambiente acogedor, momentos especiales en familia y una mañana llena de significado. ¡Esperamos verte allí!

Children and parents running into the field to hunt for Easter eggs.

1112 N Rutherford Blvd,
Murfreesboro, TN 37130

East Murfreesboro


East Murfreesboro Campus

9:30 AM | Actividades para niños

¡Únete a nosotros en el gimnasio para disfrutar de divertidas actividades de Pascua para los niños!

10:00 AM | Búsqueda de huevos de Pascua

¡Ven a buscar huevos en el campo detrás del edificio de la iglesia!

10:30 AM | Servicio de adoración

Adora con nosotros y escucha un mensaje poderoso.

HWY 231 S


Sundays 10:15 am
4331 Shelbyville Hwy



Sundays 8 & 10:30 am
1112 N Rutherford Blvd



Sundays 9 & 10:30 am
315 John Rice Blvd


A mother and father and their two young children smiling at the Easter egg hunt.
A crowd of parents and their children smiling and preparing to hunt for eggs at the East Campus.
The praise team leading worship at the West Campus.
A young boy crawling through a tunnel at an Easter activity.
Children running, smiling, and hunting for eggs.
Two elementary boys discussing the Bible in their Sunday school class at the East Campus.
An elderly man standing at the Welcome Table at the West Campus.

Easter Events in the Month of March

Find Your People
Discover Your Purpose
Plan Your Visit

➜ Need an encouraging community?
➜ Trying to find your purpose?
➜ Looking for something different?

Crowd of people worshiping together

We are here to encourage you.

It doesn’t matter what you look like.
It doesn’t matter what you wear.
It doesn’t matter if you have a past.
It doesn’t matter if you have it all put together.

We just want to meet you :)

First time?

First time at North Boulevard?

First time at church in a while? or ever?

Whether you have previous experience with church or none at all, you are welcome here!

We know that visiting a new church for the first time can be intimidating, so we want to help make your first experience at North Boulevard a great one.

Every week we welcome new families and individuals who are learning their way around, just like you.

You’re in good company.

An African-American man smiling as he hugs and welcomes an elderly caucasian woman into the church building.

Your kids are going to love it here...

Meet the Minister

{Text about the minister}

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