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Pick Up The Towel

May 26, 2024

David Hunzicker


Sadly, in Jesus' final meal with his disciples, he looks around and finds dirty feet and proud hearts. To be more clear, he finds dirty feet because he finds proud hearts. Not one of his disciples was willing to grab the basin, stoop to the level of a servant, and wash his brothers' feet. By the time Jesus did it, surely the whole room felt guilty for leaving the task undone. Peter tries to stop him from serving in this extreme way, but Jesus presses on - washing the feet of all the men who would scatter when the going gets tough, deny him in moments of weakness, and betray him for a few hundred bucks. It's hard to love people sometimes isn't it? Well, this is one of those times, but Jesus does it anyway.

The church should be the most loving place on the planet. After all, we are to be known by our love (John 13:35). Nothing should even be a distant second to the extravagant love found among the body of Christ - the Lord who washes feet.

People were made to love and to be loved. Our church needs to love one another right now through periods of uncertainty and through a tense political season. And, we need to love others outside of our church body with the sacrificial love of the Savior.

Key Text: John 13:34-35

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It All Comes Down To This

It All Comes Down To This

It's Not Over

It's Not Over



We Fall Down

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The Hour Has Come

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Greater Things Ahead

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The Hardest Things

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Turn It Up

Turn It Up
Pick Up The Towel

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