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Out of the Overflow
July 2, 2023
Kelvin Teamer
Your words tell a lot about the state of your heart at any given moment. If you have unresolved bitterness and anger, you can guarantee it’s coming out of your mouth. If you have gratitude in your heart, you can likewise be sure that your words will reflect it. Are you always trying to steer the conversation to be about yourself? That’s selfishness in your heart and it needs to be dealt with.
What are your words telling you right now about your heart? What needs to be uprooted from deep down?
If the words are the fruit, the heart is the root. Taming the tongue is only part of the equation.
In this lesson, we will explore how to notice what your words are revealing, and then how to work on your heart to change your words.
Key Text: Luke 6:43-45