New Vision
April 21, 2024
Kelvin Teamer
In today's text, Jesus miraculously heals a beggar who had been blind since birth by putting a clay paste on the man's eyes and commanding him to wash in the pool of Siloam. Once he followed Jesus’ words, he was healed of his affliction.
Such a healing brought about a variety of questions regarding Jesus’ identity and His qualifications to even perform such a miracle. The usual antagonists — the Pharisees — mostly see that Jesus has violated the law of the Sabbath and can only rule that Jesus isn’t from God. The former blind man, though, is convinced that Jesus is a prophet.
The chapter ends with him encountering Jesus again, but this time with fresh eyes. His eyes are now “faithful eyes” and he confesses his belief in Jesus and begins to worship Him. At the beginning of the chapter Jesus gave him physical sight, but by the end, He led him to spiritual sight.
In our daily walk with Christ, let's develop our own eyes to view life through "lenses of faith" in Jesus.
Key Text: John 9:1-41