Let's Go
June 9, 2024
Kelvin Teamer
As Jesus neared the end of His ministry, He began to tell His disciples that He would be going away. But He also told them that He would send another to take His place. The disciples didn't understand at the time, but Jesus assured them that this would actually be better for them (and all Christians) in the long run.
Jesus called His replacement the Helper, Advocate, and the Spirit of Truth. This Spirit would teach them all things. He was One who would “be like Jesus” for them, as He would empower their mission.
The Holy Spirit would give them the peace that their troubled hearts desired.
We have all experienced the human fear of feeling alone — especially in times of trouble and uncertainty. Though it might seem like we are completely on our own, the truth is that we (the disciples of Jesus) have a constant and active advocate in the Holy Spirit. He gives us the power to continue on as we continue to follow Jesus.
Key Text: John 14:15-31