03 A Matter of Trust
January 17, 2021
David Young
Do you find it hard to see God at work in your life when times are hard? Do you get discouraged or angry when you feel your control slipping? Do you pray but doubt that God will answer you – or that He won’t answer you the way that you want Him to? Are you unsure if God is even trustworthy to handle the hopes and dreams you hold so close to your heart?
You aren’t alone. Literally billions of people have asked the same questions you’re asking, especially one group in particular: The Israelites, God’s chosen people. Unfortunately, their lack of trust in God’s capabilities and intentions lead them down a very dark and painful path. The good news is that it doesn’t have to end that way for you! Listen to David’s message on how you can choose to trust God and experience the blessings of life that He has planned for you.
