
You don't have to carry ______________ anymore. Give it to Jesus instead. Get help with Freedom Prayer.
FREEDOM PRAYER is a biblical personal prayer ministry that exists to help connect people to God and remove anything that hinders that relationship from maturing. It is both inner healing and spiritual formation.
➡️ CLICK HERE to Sign Up for Your Prayer Time 🙏
Freedom Prayer is a personal prayer ministry where individuals can schedule a focused Prayer Time with members of the Freedom Prayer team. This ministry exists to recognize and resolve hindrances that affect a mature and close relationship with God, as well as provide tools in prayer for greater connection with him.
This ministry uses a biblical framework to give the Holy Spirit room to address inner hurts and wounds, identify and break strongholds, and bring healing and freedom, all with the purpose of knowing God better (Ephesians 1:17). When we wait on him together, we can confidently expect him to reveal himself and as our hearts are tender and open to him, we can trust he will guide us into truth (John 16:13).
Watch the Video — Click the white play button on the image above to learn about how Freedom Prayer works!
Sign up for a Prayer Time that suits you — either in-person at the church building or online via video call. One of our team coordinators will respond with an email to get you on the schedule.
At your Prayer Time, you'll meet with a team of 3 compassionate individuals, ready to guide you in prayer. Together, you will connect with God, listening for the Truth and uncovering what's been holding you back. Anything you share during your Prayer Time will remain confidential.
After your Prayer Time, you'll leave with the tools you need to continue developing your personal prayers with God.
For questions, please email our Team Coordinators at freedomprayer@nblvd.org.
💠 Are there qualifications to receive a Prayer Time?
There are no specific qualifications; but in order to gain freedom, we do recommend that you:
have a desire to be truly free (not just find relief)
are willing to submit to God's word
be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit
come willing to be transparent and honest about the hidden places in your heart
come willing to repent of sin, forgive others, let go of judgment, renounce lies, etc...
💠 Is my Prayer Time confidential?
Yes, everything that is said and done is held in the strictest of confidentiality.
As needed, some information may be shared with other leaders in the prayer team so as to help you continue in the freedom you have gained. With your permission, this may include future meetings with ministers or mentors in our church to set appropriate boundaries for your personal and spiritual growth. If someone discussed during the Prayer Time appears to be in personal danger, the prayer team may be obliged to share information for your safety or the safety of others.
💠 What does a Prayer Time "look" like?
A Prayer Time typically lasts about 2 hours, during which you will meet with 3 prayer team members, usually of the same gender. One team member will primarily lead the Prayer Time with help from the other two members. This team will have been praying on your behalf prior to your scheduled prayer time, and they will be seeking the Lord’s leading during the actual prayer time as well. The prayer time will center on Scripture and trusting the Holy Spirit to lead through applicable areas such as forgiveness, repentance, identifying and removing lies/ungodly beliefs, confession of sin, and receiving God’s truth and His heart towards you. There will also be a time of blessing during the prayer session. Both you and the team will be active participants in the prayer time as we seek the Lord’s heart together.
💠 Do I have to be a member of North Boulevard to sign up for a Prayer Time?
Prayer Times are open to anyone who desires to meet for prayer whether you are an NB member or not.
💠 Can I sign up a friend or family member for a Prayer Time?
If you believe someone needs prayer, please direct them to this website, so they can explore what the process entails and sign up for a prayer time on their own. It is important that the person coming for prayer understands what they are signing up for and decides that this is something they want to participate in.
💠 What if I am under the care of a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor?
While we are a prayer ministry, we are not trained or authorized in licensed counseling or medical practice. We recommend that you talk with your doctor/counselor about Freedom Prayer before signing up and continue with whatever treatment you are currently receiving.
💠 What is the biblical basis for Freedom Prayer?
The promises and principles of God are the very foundation for what we do. We are commanded and invited to confess to each other, to repent of our sin, to restore each other, to bear each other’s burdens, and to help each other be free (Galatians 6:1-2, James 5:16, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5). These verses speak of spiritual warfare as occurring within strongholds in the mind. We are told we can do so because we are “spiritual” — that is, we are able to minister in partnership with the Spirit of God, and in a spirit of gentleness and humility. We know we each must rely on others to help us get untangled.
To learn more about Freedom Prayer, visit freedomprayer.org