The ATLAS program for Rutherford County schools helps homeless students (who do not have a fixed, stable, or adequate nighttime residence). These students receive free breakfast and lunch at school, and the food bags we supply are intended to help get them through the weekend when food may be scarce.
To provide weekend food bags to children at local schools who qualify for the Rutherford County ATLAS program.
Food bags are packed into 1 gallon ziplock bags with food items that do not require refrigeration such as:
Pop-top cans
Shelf stable milk
Juice boxes
Macaroni and cheese packets
Applesauce and fruit cups
Peanut butter cups
Granola bars
Small boxes of cereal
Small packages of cookies, chips, or crackers
Serving: 3-4 schools in Rutherford County
Our team packs bags once a month, and deliveries are made weekly.
This is a great volunteer opportunity for individuals and small groups!
Please contact our team leader for details about upcoming packing days and specific food items needed.
Serving: Cedar Grove Elementary
You can sign up in August or January for 1+ of the items listed above and bring them to West. The items will be packed in the bags once a month. The number of items needed per month will be texted or emailed to you.
You can help pack the bags between services on the first Sunday of each month in the Commons Room.
You can sign up to deliver the bags to the school before Friday of the week they are packed so the guidance counselor can put the bags in the backpacks of students who need them.
Deliveries need to be made between 8:30 and 2:00 to avoid cars dropping off and picking up students. Ring the bell outside the school and tell them you are there to drop of ATLAS bags. The school secretary will come out to load the bags on a cart.