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Boulevard Online

East Campus

West Campus

Iglesia de Cristo

基督教会 (Chinese)


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Help pack and deliver food bags for homeless students in Rutherford County.

ATLAS Ministry

ATLAS Ministry

All Campuses

Love on babies and toddlers at the East Campus!

BKids Nursery Team | East

BKids Nursery Team | East

East Murfreesboro

Love on babies, toddlers, and children at the West Campus!

BKids Volunteer Teams | West

BKids Volunteer Teams | West

West Murfreesboro

A brotherhood of men who work together to serve the church, build each other up, and hold each other accountable to righteous living.

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers

All Campuses

Women supporting women by developing real relationships with one another and building each other up in their walks with Christ.

Boulevard Women

Boulevard Women

All Campuses

Join the rotation of praise team singers during the worship service to help create a high-quality worship experience on Sunday mornings, worship nights, and other occasional events such as conferences and funerals.

Boulevard Worship | East

Boulevard Worship | East

East Murfreesboro

Join the rotation of praise team singers during the worship service to help create a high-quality worship experience. 

Boulevard Worship | West

Boulevard Worship | West

West Murfreesboro Hearts shares Christ's love by serving chronic disease patients, survivors, family members, and caregivers. Hearts Hearts

All Campuses

Show the love of Christ by serving those in need through visits, encouragement, meals, and celebrations of life’s special moments.

Care Team | West

Care Team | West

West Murfreesboro

Help prepare the coffee for Sunday mornings at East Campus. 

Coffee Team | East

Coffee Team | East

East Murfreesboro

Count & Communion Teams

Count & Communion Teams

East Murfreesboro

Praying together as a group is important for accountability, maturing in Christ, growing your personal relationship with God, finding fellowship and support, and giving support in return. We hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity and add it to your morning ritual!

Daily House of Prayer

Daily House of Prayer

All Campuses

K-12 Homeschooling Alternative

Discipleship Tutorial

Discipleship Tutorial

East Murfreesboro

Our Young Adult Ministry seeks to equip disciples from 18-35 to be all that Jesus would have them to be as they navigate and negotiate this important life-stage.

DRIVE | Young Adults

DRIVE | Young Adults

Blvd Online

We have an entire pantry at the East Campus building dedicated to providing food to those in need in our community. 

Watch Lifelines for "Pack the Pantry" requests, and bring food to the church office.

Food Pantry

Food Pantry

All Campuses

Schedule a focused prayer time with our team, who will help you recognize & resolve things that are hindering your relationship with God.

Freedom Prayer

Freedom Prayer

A support group to help you move through the grief process after the death of a loved one.

GriefShare Ministry

GriefShare Ministry

West Murfreesboro

Create a welcoming environment by greeting and helping guests.

Hospitality Team | East

Hospitality Team | East

East Murfreesboro

Create a welcoming environment by greeting and helping guests in the chat.

Hospitality Team | Online

Hospitality Team | Online

Blvd Online

Create a welcoming environment by greeting and helping guests.

Hospitality Team | West

Hospitality Team | West

West Murfreesboro

Help take the gospel of Jesus Christ to our brothers and sisters living in the Inner City of our community.

Inner City Ministry

Inner City Ministry

All Campuses

Help share the love of Christ with teens who are curious about the Gospel.

Juvenile Detention Ministry

Juvenile Detention Ministry

All Campuses

Learn Wado Ryu Karate with Christians devoted to serving GOD!

Ages 8 and up. Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30-5:30 pm in the East Campus Life Center (Gym).

Head Instructor: Phillip Vandiver, Black belt in Wado Ryu

Karate with Christ

Karate with Christ

East Murfreesboro

Our church library is full of books to help you in your walk of faith as you study the Bible and develop a Christian worldview. Come borrow a book or two the next time you visit the East campus!

Library Team

Library Team

East Murfreesboro

Facing loss & grief can feel like you're climbing Mt. Everest, but you don't have to do it alone.

Life After Loss

Life After Loss

East Murfreesboro

Using Your God-Given Differences to Build a Stronger Community

The Living Color Conference offers an easy-to-remember method of understanding diverse personality traits, recognizing individual strengths and weaknesses, and explaining how best to engage with others to accomplish common goals. At the conference, the team provides scriptural context to show how God intentionally designed each personality to play a vital role in Kingdom work.

Click here to learn more:

Living Color

Living Color

All Campuses

Help provide meals for mothers who have recently given birth, undergone surgery, or fallen ill!

Meals for Moms

Meals for Moms

All Campuses

Help serve food to our surrounding community!

For over 45 years, Meals on Wheels has served the Murfreesboro community by preparing and delivering six nutritional lunches per week to those unable to prepare meals for themselves.

There are five ways to help with this vital ministry:
Donate money by sending a check or giving online.
Stock the pantry by bringing the fruits, vegetables, meats, breads and ingredient items needed for each day's meal.
Cook the easy to follow hot meal recipes in our East Campus kitchen.
Pack the cold meal ingredients and assist the cook with the hot meals.
Deliver the meals to our recipients.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels

All Campuses

Through education, inspiration, and opportunity, mobilize the disciples of Christ at North Boulevard and beyond to take action; to pursue and commit to their unique role in the care of the orphaned and oppressed.
Isaiah 1:17

Orphan Care

Orphan Care

All Campuses

Plan and execute outreach events and initiatives to show love to our city and to help others connect to the church.

Outreach Team | West

Outreach Team | West

West Murfreesboro

This ministry offers prayer, support, and encouragement to those in need.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

All Campuses

Make intergenerational connections and fellowship through pickleball!

Pickleball Ministry

Pickleball Ministry

East Murfreesboro

Engage residents of the County Correctional Work Center and the local jail, encouraging them to follow Jesus Christ and become his disciples.

Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry

All Campuses

Increase engagement in the church gathering by working in the media center on Sunday mornings by operating cameras, advancing slides, adjusting lights, or working the sound board.

Production Team | East

Production Team | East

East Murfreesboro

Increase engagement in the church gathering by working in the media center on Sunday mornings advancing slides, adjusting lights, or operating the sound board.

Production Team | West

Production Team | West

West Murfreesboro

We've been quilting for people in need since the 1960's!

Come quilt with us in the Hebrews Way Hallway at the East Murfreesboro Campus every Tuesday morning from 9 am – 12 pm.

"Blessed are the children of the piece makers, for they shall inherit the quilt." – Quilter's Proverb

Quilting Ministry

Quilting Ministry

East Murfreesboro

We facilitate robust, Christian worldview discussions to help our community make sense of life & the world. We've covered all sorts of topics such as marriage, money, forgiveness, addiction, creativity, sports, and more! And all of our guest speakers, like Lee Strobel, Gary Chapman, and Lysa TerKeurst are very knowledgable on their discussion topics.

School of Christian Thought

School of Christian Thought

All Campuses

Create a secure environment at the East Campus by working as a team to monitor the premises and to securely check children in and out of the children’s ministry.

Security Team | East

Security Team | East

East Murfreesboro

Create a secure environment at the West Campus by working as a team to monitor the premises and to securely check children in and out of the children’s ministry.

Security Team | West

Security Team | West

West Murfreesboro

Mother's Day Out Daycare program. Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Sonshine School

Sonshine School

East Murfreesboro

Connect guests to the Starting Point class (hosted once a month) and ensure all supplies and food are ready for the class.

Starting Point Team | West

Starting Point Team | West

West Murfreesboro

Serve women and children who are experiencing homelessness, while always pointing them to Jesus.

Stepping Stones Ministry

Stepping Stones Ministry

West Murfreesboro

Encourage senior citizens who are unable to attend their home church.

Stones River Manor Ministry

Stones River Manor Ministry

All Campuses

Help students around the world understand the Truth that the Bible holds!

World Bible School

World Bible School

All Campuses

Men and women (typically in retirement) who lift each other up in faith and friendship through excursions, travel, and good food!

Young at Heart

Young at Heart

East Murfreesboro

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How to Start a Ministry
One person holding a cardboard box while another person places cartons of eggs into the box.


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Boulevard Adults Square.png

Men & Women




& Tools

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