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North Boulevard's East Murfreesboro campus is located in the northeast part of Murfreesboro. This is our broadcast campus where we livestream, record, and produce the majority of our sermons and online services.
Welcome to East Campus!
8:00 am Worship
9:30 am Bible Class (All Ages)
10:30 am Worship
6:00 pm True North (Teens)
6:30 pm Bible Class
No upcoming events
What to Expect

Join us Sundays at 8 & 10:30am to worship God and to remember who we are as His people. During our gathering, we will sing praise, pray in Jesus' name, hear a Biblical, practical sermon, and enjoy the Lord’s Supper- a weekly reminder that Jesus died in our place to bring us back to God.
We offer assistive listening devices during our worship gatherings for Hard of Hearing individuals.
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